GCA Provide Comprehensive training in the Four Pillars of Mission!
Global Connections Academy is dedicated to getting those called to the nations ready for ministry on the ground. We are focused on helping ministries prepare for missions, developing a strategy for a proposed mission, understanding cross-cultural considerations, fund-raising, and interacting with other religions of the world through cross-culture evangelism.
We have contacts for missions on continents of Central America, South America, the Caribbean Islands, as well as South and West, and Central Africa and will expand into Europe and Asia in 2020.
We will come to your Church or you may attend our local training facility in Stockbridge, Georgia.
We take an approach to missionary training that will provide a clear understanding of the call to the mission field. We provide formal classroom training that is focused on outreach initiatives while helping build the character of the missionary. Our goal is for God’s mission to be fulfilled through those we train for the field.
Is Missionary Training Right for You?
GCA provides training for the first time and advanced missionaries to be successful in missions.
You will learn about cross-cultural evangelism while learning the dos and the don’ts.
We provide local campsite training opportunities to prepare missionaries for difficult outdoor mission work.
Our training will allow our missionaries to effectively communicate with refugees, immigrants, and widows as they seek to change the lives of others through God’s Word.
Classes Include:
The History of Missions
Cross-Cultural Evangelism
Inventory, Packing, and Distribution
Medical Missions Preparation and Planning
How to do missions
Safety and Security Logistics
Administration for Missions
Creating Forms for Missions
Creating a Control Book
Travel Preparation
Raising Funds for Missions
Methods of Transportation
Global Connections Academy will help you Launch your Church’s Missions Ministry
Many churches want to be involved in global outreach and missions but feel they can’t. Our church is too old, too young, too poor, too new, spread too thin, or just not ready. GCA will help!
One common reason Churches are not involved in missions is failing to understand that involvement in missions is a biblical imperative. Scripture mandates local churches and their members to glorify the Lord by sharing His grace, mercy and truth with the lost across the street and around the world.
Acts 1:8 tells us we must share the gospel in our town and around the world. Matthew 28:18-20 commands us to go to all nations and make disciples. Jeremiah 22:3 tells us to show justice to the orphan and the widow. Isaiah 58:10 says we are to feed the hungry. Missions is important for the spiritual growth of Christian disciples and for the expansion of the kingdom.
Once we grasp that we must be involved in missions, the question becomes how. Even with limited resources, your church can foster a missions department.
The purpose of missions in the Church is that God may be glorified.” The church is a place to educate, instruct, and prepare its members to impact the world and share God’s love, mercy, and message. Our purpose in the church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ and teach them to make disciples.